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My special story:


I bought my first Tarot deck for about 50p from a car boot sale many years ago. I was fascinated by the many ways and spreads of tarot and I learned by studying each of the cards and doing readings for friends. To begin with, many of my friends were skeptical about the fortune telling properties of the cards and my talent to interpret their meanings.

Gradually as my readings became more accurate my friends were lining up to ask the cards all sorts of questions and overtime when they saw things happening that had been foretold, word spread. I quickly acquired many regular customers.


I have now come here to share my skills with a wider audience.



What is tarrot

Tarot is one of the oldest forms of fortune telling known to man. A tarot deck is a deck of cards, usually 78 cards, that is used by someone like myself, who is skilled in the reading of them. Depending on the type of reading that you are wanting to have, I will consult the cards to show them what you are needing to know.

Tarot cards have been around since the 15th century and are still one of the worlds most common ways of divining into the future.



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